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Title: Theoretical basis for the formation of damaging factors during the coal aerosol explosion
Authors: Zavialova, Olena
Kostenko, Viktor
Liashok, Natalia
Grygorian, Mykola
Григор'ян, Микола Борисович
Kostenko, Tetiana
Pokaliuk, Viktor
Keywords: explosion
coal dust
flame front
flame front
shock wave
seismic waves
damaging factors
miners’ protection
Issue Date: 4-Jun-2021
Citation: Mining of Mineral Deposits
Abstract: Purpose. Assessing the process of damaging factors formation during the coal aerosol explosion in mine workings on the basis of theoretical research of the explosion of coal dust deposits in order to substantiate promising methods of protecting miners from their impact. Methods. An integrated approach is used, which includes a critical analysis of literature data on the occurrence and deve lopment of coal aerosol explosions in mine workings; theoretical research into the state of the gaseous medium at the cha racteristic points of the development diagram of the coal dust deposits explosion as a result of mining operations based on the laws of classical physics and chemistry. Findings. The main aspects of the explosion mechanism of dust in a powdery state, accumulated on the surfaces along the mine working perimeter, and the formation of such negative factors as the effect of gaseous medium accelerated movement, have been revealed; high temperature formed during coal and methane detonative combustion; increased gas pressure. The revealed aspects of the dust explosion mechanism make it possible to determine the main directions for protection of miners caught in the explosion. The diagram of the development of settled coal dust explosion along the mine working with normal ventilation conditions, taking into account the influence of seismic waves, has been improved. Originality. Analytical dependences, reflecting the value of gas energy at characteristic points of the diagram, have been determined, and the dynamics of the formation of negative factors caused by the explosion have been revealed. Practical implications. Possible ways of protecting miners from the impact of negative factors caused by the coal aerosol explosion and reducing the severe consequences of such accidents are proposed.
Appears in Collections:ЧІПБ ім. Героїв Чорнобиля

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